Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week 10; EOC Robert Kearns vs Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich and Robert Kearns both wanted justice, as Mr. Kearns’s lawyer tells him in this country justice is received in a form of a check. The lawyer’s portrayed in Erin Brockovich, are  lawyers takeing a hugh risk in the fact that if they don’t win the case the lawyers get nothing for their efforts, yet they still take the case. In flash of genius his lawyers only take the case because they thought Mr. Kearns wanted to get money and settle. If Mr. Kearns did not accept the offer the lawyers made it clear that they could get nothing and probally will. In Erin Brockovich it was a class action lawsuit again a power and a electric company saying these companies knowingly dumped harmful material into a community’s lake. This act had given the residents a very bad illness. It took Robert Kearns over 20 years to win his case. To most people they either wouldn’t take on a big company like ford or they would have settled. To Mr. Kearns money wasn’t the prize, the prize is his pride. He had a great invention that would serve mankind for the rest of human life, and with that invention he had great pride in knowing he was put on this earth to help man see better in the rain. Ford took this away from him, his pride and his family and his self esteem. I took awhile but he got his pride back and most people can’t say the same thing. They settle for the quick buck and lose site of what really matters in life your word and your pride because that’s all a man really has in life.

Week 10; BOC lawyer jokes

1.What's the difference between an attorney and a pit bull?
2.  It was so cold last winter that I saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets.
3.  Q: What do you call a lawyer gone bad?
        A: Senator.
4. Q.   What's the difference between a lawyer and a herd of

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week 7: 10 lawyers and websites

1. Byron L. Ames,
2. John Lund Krieger,
3. Jonathan W. Fountain,
4. Colt B Dodrill,
5. Jason D. Firth,
6. Renee L. Mancino,
7. William J. Wray,
8. Mark R Borghese,,285690.html
10. Susan Marie Pitz,

Week 7 EOC: Intellectual property questions

1. How do I best protect myself from someone else stealing my artwork/design?
2. What’s the first step to take if someone does steal my design?
3. Do you recommend I personally contact a company that I suspect has stolen my idea?
4. How different (percentage wise) does my design have to be than a similar one?
5. What common issues do designers usually overlook in protecting themselves?
6. Do you recommend a lawyer review my contracts before signatures are put on them by the parties involved?
7. Where do you recommend a designer look for a contract template?
8. Is it better to use a template or have a lawyer draft an original contract for my design?
9. If I die and have a patent pending, does it become public domain?
10. When is it necessary to trademark intellectual property?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Week 6 EOC: ILLICIT: What do I think about it?

I think Illicit is a new and improved way to make a quick buck in the black market. It ranges from bags to kidneys. It use to be that we bought fake glasses and hand bags, but we knew they were fakes. The fake bags and glasses did not have the same logo or emblem, or changed enough so that we knew they were fakes. Now the fakes are so good we can’t tell that they are fake, they are getting top dollar for the fake merchandise. What’s so bad about a few fake bags being made and smuggled across the globe? Well those same fake bags that are harmless at first sight may contain drugs or weapons being smuggled inside the fake products being transported around the world. The people smuggling the bags illegally don’t follow the same rules as the rest of the hard working population of business. So if you can smuggle a fake bag why can’t those same bags be filled with human kidneys or drugs or weapons. You wouldn’t want to buy a bag that contributed to human sickness or even death. The company that make these original products are losing money from these knock offs. It will ruin the reputation of that particular brand name, the knock offs are not as durable, the colors fade, there made with cheap material, so when these knock offs start to break down and fall apart the average consumer can’t tell that it’s a knock off and then they assume the product is not worth buying. I think this is terrible, because Illicit material is hard to determine that they are knock offs. They are even making fake medicine, and this is dangerous because they could kill the consumer that has no idea why they got sick from a brand they took all their life.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 5 EOC: Lawyers looking for Fame

In this case it seemed a little fishy that a lawyer wanted to represent a client that cannot pay the attorney fees associated with the case. Humberto Fernandez-Vargas, looked like he was out of options, due to the fact that his current lawyer did not have the expertise to peruse this case further up the latter. It was only because his particular case looked like it could go to the supreme court, so this interested many law firms. A lawyer could get really famous if the lawyer wins the case in the supreme court. This is the only reason that Humberto Fernandez-Vargas, got FREE representation by David M. Gossett. You could say that the client was lucky to get a free lawyer but why would you agree to that? Do you think the lawyer working for free would ever care about YOU? In my mind this act was selfish and wrong on the law firm to put a lawyer in the supreme court that was only there for fame purposes . I think it is wrong to get Humberto Fernandez-Vargas hopes up. If you are a lawyer and you only care about the fame and not about his clients well being. I think lawyers are a double edge blade, It would be a perfect world if we didn’t have to get sued and go through the courts, instead let’s govern ourselves, yea right that would never work. Can you imagine if we had total freedom, things would be a mess. People are smart but the mob scene is dumb and reckless. We need lawyers even though we hate them for taking our money, but on the flip side the average person could go to law school, learn all the laws and defend themselves.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week- 4 :EOC, Jeopardy Death Race

This game was fun and challenging at the same time. I found playing a game on learning to be more efficient and an overall good experience , the material was dry and non exciting to read, however this game made the process of learning dry and non fun material event full. We played a lot of different games from the students that made the game, so we covered a lot of different material that no one person could cover in a week’s time. Even if we got the answer wrong we could still see the right answer and if you got the question wrong you played more attention to the answers as the ones we got right. I learned I learned how to apply for a patent. I learned what divisional applications is. Also Interferences. I came into tonight’s class not knowing what to expect<, I thought this class was going feel like a long time, but with this jeopardy game the time flew by faster than I thought I would have. I think I learned a lot about patents , I feel that I will do well on the midterm after studying in this manner. I wish learning definitions was always this fun at school bud sadly it isn’t so. Not all of the educations teachers will go above and beyond epically in the state of Nevada, which is getting more evident every day. It’s sad to think that most school teachers don’t care if their students are learning anything at all, but looks like we have a few bad apples on the branch. Maybe it is because teachers don’t care or maybe it’s because the teachers don’t get paid enough to educate our children. I wish we had more teachers that cared. We need teachers that care.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week 3 EOC: Jeopardy-Challenges and Oppertunity

The most challenging about making a jeopardy game on patent definitions is how to categorize the questions and answers, so It makes sense to the contestant that Is playing the game. The other challenging part of this assignment Is rewording the definition so the key words in the answer doesn’t come up in the question. Though this assignment is challenging I ‘am confident that this is a good learning tool to remember these words and definitions.

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

I grew up in a small town in the middle of Las Angeles and San Diego. When I was doing construction I was not happy at my job, every day was hard to go to a job where I hated every minute of it. Since I started doing film, my work days are longer but making films is so fun to me it isn’t like work at all, I can spend 12 hours straight editing a video project and at the end of the day I will be smiling. I get a great satisfaction after I finish my projects, and I have not experienced that in any of the jobs I’ve held in the past. Film is definitely my passion. I like to be a cinematographer, I like getting my shots the way I see them in my mind and I like to edit them. I want to be on a project from production to post production. Coming to Vegas was the best move I ever made. If I didn’t move to Vegas I would be working two dead end jobs to live in California. I know about BMX riding and the other action sports. The transition won’t be a stretch for me. I ‘am confident that I can make good if not great action sports films. Making films doesn’t feel like work to me, yes it’s a long process. I like using the Sony HDV video camera. I like using Final Cut Pro to edit my films.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week-2-EOC-What do I think about lawyers

What do I think about lawyers?   I think lawyers go for the smart cases, meaning they pick and choose which case they will accept based on how good they have a good chance of winning the case. I think lawyers can’t afford to be companionate with the cases they chose to defend. Lawyers are putting food on the table the same as the rest of the human population, meaning they are doing their job. I had an experience of getting sued in a car accident I was apart of.  I was at fault for the accident and I did not shy away from that fact, the person I hit could of called my car insurance company and have them pay for the damage that person suffered, which was all fine with me since I hit her to avoid another more terrible car accident on the highway. The person I hit didn’t do that and they proceeded to sue my parent’s car insurance and my friend’s mom’s car insurance because the truck was in her name. For about a year I had to meet with my friend’s mom car insurance lawyer and they got a statement from me saying what happened in my words. I gave a statement and that was the last time I saw that lawyer. My lawyer never called me or never called me into a meeting with him. He kept me posted every step of the way, I got lots of legal paper, and that was our lawyer client relationship. My friend’s mom’s insurance lost their case and had to pay $2,000. My lawyer won my case and my parents insurance had to pay nothing. After that my parent’s insurance company dropped our whole family from the insurance. We had to get new insurance. I’m happy that I didn’t have to pay for anything but I’m not happy about making my family suffer for a mistake of mine. I think lawyer’s do their job well but no matter what the verdict is your life will change forever.